SIMI 社会的インパクト・マネジメント・イニシアチブ


[Social Impact Day 2025] “Exploring Foundational Shift toward Impact Economy”

In this times of climate change and increasingly complex and diverse social challenges, it is essential for all actors, including the profit and non-profit sectors, the public sector, local communities, and individuals, to work together to build a sustainable and equitable future. And, it is necessary to build a new economic system that maximizes positive social and environmental impact by bringing together diverse perspectives and resources through the “power of co-creation” that transcends traditional boundaries.
SID2025 will focus on this “co-creation” and explore practical approaches to promote the impact economy by linking the accumulated knowledge and insights of corporations, the innovative power of start-ups, the practical knowledge of non-profit organizations, and the policy support of governmental agencies.


May 14 (Wed), 15(Thu), 16(Fri), 2025
Day1(May 14): On-line(Zoom Webinar)
Day2(May 15): On-line(Zoom Webinar)
Day3(May 16):【AM】On-line(Zoom Webinar)(※ reserve day) /【PM】In-person reception (TBD)

Keynote Speech

Introduction to “Beta Activism” for a Seismic Shift of Capitalism

The limitations of capitalism to effectively tackle concerns of sustainability has been pointed out, but what is the underlying economic framework that is shaping capitalist societies today? In this keynote session, the modern portfolio theory (MPT) is introduced as the underpinning that has been guiding our economy. The speakers will point out that MPT has become outdated, and we need “beta activism” and other means to address systemic risks and overcome the present limit of capitalism. What are today’s systemic risks, to begin with? And what is this call for “beta activism,” who needs to lead, support and rally behind it? 

10:00 -11:00am, Wednesday, May 14 (JST)

Jon Lukomnik

Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs and The Brandmeyer Fellow for Impact and Sustainable Investing, Columbia University

James P. Hawley

Professor Emeritus, School of Economics and Business, Saint Mary College of California
