SIMIからのお知らせ セミナー・イベント情報

(English version is below.)
日本企業にとっても、これらの影響は無視できず、自社の開示・報告のあり方や方法を見直すことが求められつつあります。本ウエビナーにおいては、Jean-Christophe Nicaise Chateau 氏(欧州委員会)及びPeter Paul van de Wijs 氏(GRI・渉外部長)をお招きし、サステナビリティ開示の最新動向のうち、2つの重要な基準づくりを解説します。また、GRI 日本リエゾンを務める冨田秀実氏(ロイドレジスター株式会社代表取締役)のコメントをもとに、日本企業の皆様がこれらのグローバルな動きを理解し、自社の開示・報告づくりの一助となる貴重な機会となっております。
1) 欧州連合による CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive:企業サステナビリティ報告指令)
2021年4月、欧州委員会は、現行の指令であるNFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive:非財務情報開示指令)を改訂するCSRD提案を発表しています。
2) GRI’s revised Universal Standards
日時:2021年11月24日(水)17:00~18:30 (開場16:55)
・事前申し込みは2021年11月24日 (水) 12:00に締め切ります。
(1) 開会(5分)
(2) スピーカー1 (20分):
Jean-Christophe Nicaise Chateau 氏(欧州委員会)
Legislative Officer, Corporate Reporting, Audit and Credit Rating Agencies (DG FISMA: Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union)
• サステナビリティ基準設置における欧州連合の役割
• CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive:企業サステナビリティ報告指令)
• 日本企業(多国籍企業その他)への影響
(3) スピーカー2 (20分):
Peter Paul van de Wijs 氏(GRI渉外部長)
• サステナビリティ基準統合の動き(背景と理由)
• EU基準や国際会計基準とのアラインメント
• GRI改訂スタンダードのねらい
(4) コメント(日本語)(15分):
冨田秀実氏(ロイドレジスタージャパン株式会社代表取締役、GRI 日本ディレクター)
(5) 質疑応答(20分)
Webinar: Corporate Sustainability Disclosure: Setting New Standards
EU’s CSRD and GRI’s Revised Universal Standards
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
9:00 to 10:30am in Amsterdam/Brussels
5:00 to 6:30pm in Tokyo
Sustainability disclosure is one of the fastest moving areas of corporate reporting. Globally, Europe has been taking a lead in setting new norms, which has a worldwide influence as European institutional investors require their investees to be in compliance with the new standards, and corporations of all types and sizes to follow the new and changing norms.
In this webinar, SIMI will take up two key developments of corporate sustainability standards in the hope to have Japanese corporations familiarize themselves with new ways of doing business.
1) EU’s CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
In April 2021, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which would amend the existing reporting requirements of the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive).
2) GRI’s revised Universal Standards
In October 2021, GRI released the revised Universal Standards representing the most significant update since 2016, which focus on delivering the highest level of transparency for organizational impacts on the economy, environment, and people.
Language: English only (with a commentary in Japanese).
Participation Fee: Free
Expected audience: Japanese corporations, financial institutions, consultants, social purpose organizations, etc.
Session flow:
Opening (5min): SIMI
Speaker 1 (20min):
Jean-Christophe Nicaise Chateau
Legislative Officer, Corporate Reporting, Audit and Credit Rating Agencies (DG FISMA: Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union)
European Commission
• Overview of EU’s role in standard setting on sustainability reporting
• What is Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and what does it purport to achieve?
• Where is it now and what will happen in the next few years?
• What are its impacts on Japanese business (multi-national corporations and others)?
Speaker 2 (20min):
Peter Paul van de Wijs
Chief External Affairs, GRI
• Standard setters coming together – how and why?
• Alignment with the EU standards
• GRI’s new Universal Standards – what is new?
• IFRS and ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board) – what is it and what will happen?
Commentary (15min)(in Japanese)
Hidemi Tomita
Managing Director, Lloyd’s Register Japan K.K.
GRI Director Japan
Q&A (20min)
Closing: SIMI
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