SIMIからのお知らせ セミナー・イベント情報

See below for the English version.
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本ウェビナーでは、60 Decibelsのプラナヴ・シリドハール氏をお招きし、「リーン・データ(Lean Data)」というアプローチ方法を紹介します。リーン・データのアプローチには、例えば以下の特徴が挙げられます。
- 受益者/エンドカスタマーの声を直接聞く「ボトムアップ」であること
- 時間と資金の最小限の投資で済む低コストのツールや技術を使用する「迅速かつライトタッチである」こと(例:スマートフォンの使用)
- 意思決定を支援するのに十分な品質のデータを得ることができる「実用的である」こと
- データからの学習、適応、再現を可能にする「ダイナミック/反復的である」こと
また、コメンテーターとして、日本国内でインパクト投資の実践を行う高塚 清佳氏(新生企業投資株式会社 シニアディレクター等)をお迎えします。日本国内のインパクト・ファイナンスの現場におけるインパクト測定の課題は何か、リーン・データをどのように活用できるかなどについて、参加者の皆さまと一緒に考えていきたいと思います。
●日 時:2022年9月29日(木)17:00-18:15(日本時間)
●会 場:オンライン(Zoom)
プラナヴ・シリドハール氏(60 Decibels クライアントサクセスリード)
高塚 清佳氏(新生企業投資株式会社 シニアディレクター、新生インパクト投資株式会社 代表取締役)
今田克司(一般財団法人社会的インパクト・マネジメント・イニシアチブ 代表理事)
●言 語:英語(同時通訳の提供はありません)
60 Decibels クライアントサクセスリード
Pranav is Client Success Lead at 60 Decibels, a tech-enabled social performance measurement company that helps investors and impact enterprises listen to their customers. He has enabled 90+ organizations across Africa and Asia to measure and grow their impact. He is also the co-founder of UN-recognized social enterprise OneDay Health, a network of clinics that offer affordable, primary care in Uganda’s low-income rural communities. Prior to this, Pranav has supported the launch of social businesses in the areas of sanitation and renewable energy at Institute for Transformative Technologies. He holds a Master’s in Management Studies from Duke University, USA and a Bachelor’s in Engineering & Mathematics from Shiv Nadar University, India.
高塚 清佳氏
新生企業投資株式会社 シニアディレクター、新生インパクト投資株式会社 代表取締役
Webinar: A Lean Data Approach to Impact Measurement
Building a framework, selecting indicators, collecting data and acting on findings
With the heightened attention on impact performance, there is a growing need in impact finance, for both investors and enterprises, to establish and refine good impact measurement frameworks and methodologies. That said, impact measurement continues to be regarded as challenging, complicated and difficult to manage.
There is not a single answer to the question of “what is a good impact measurement methodology?” In this webinar, we will introduce and discuss the Lean Data approach developed and being matured by measurement specialists including 60 Decibels. It focuses on data collected directly by listening to end-customers to measure impact. This data then enables investors and enterprises to understand their social performance and act on the impact results. The approach makes it easy to listen to the people who are directly affected by the business activity and thus who matter most in understanding impact.
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2022, 9:00-10:15 (LDN) / 17:00-18:15 (TOKYO)
Language: English
Admission: Free
Pranav Sridhar, Lead, Client Success, 60 Decibels
Pranav is Client Success Lead at 60 Decibels, a tech-enabled social performance measurement company that helps investors and impact enterprises listen to their customers. He has enabled 90+ organizations across Africa and Asia to measure and grow their impact. He is also the co-founder of UN-recognized social enterprise OneDay Health, a network of clinics that offer affordable, primary care in Uganda’s low-income rural communities. Prior to this, Pranav has supported the launch of social businesses in the areas of sanitation and renewable energy at Institute for Transformative Technologies. He holds a Master’s in Management Studies from Duke University, USA and a Bachelor’s in Engineering & Mathematics from Shiv Nadar University, India.
Sayaka Takatsuka, Senior Director, Shinsei Corporate Investment
Katsuji Imata, President, SIMI (Social Impact Management Initiative)
Organized by:
SIMI (Social Impact Management Initiative, Japan)
- SIMIメンバーからのお知らせ
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